
Creating an Encryption System

Jan 12, 2022
How I went about and made a unique cryptographic encryption system
Mar 25, 2023 07:19 AM

How to Create Your Own Cryptographic Encryption System

Have you ever wondered how cryptographic encryption systems work? Are you curious about creating your own unique encryption system? Look no further! In this article, I'll walk you through the process of creating your own cryptographic encryption system, using our own NFS (Nicholas, Franklin, Shriji) Encryption as an example.
First, let's discuss the requirements for our project. We were tasked with creating a unique encryption system without using any existing libraries or randomization. This meant we had to start from scratch and come up with our own system.

The Importance of Cryptographic Encryption

Before we dive into the technical details of creating our own encryption system, let's first discuss why cryptographic encryption is important. In today's digital age, sensitive information is constantly being transmitted over the internet, from financial transactions to personal messages. Without proper encryption, this information could be intercepted and read by unauthorized individuals, leading to potential identity theft or other malicious activities.
That's where cryptographic encryption comes in. By using complex algorithms and mathematical functions, cryptographic encryption transforms plain text into an unreadable format known as ciphertext. This ciphertext can only be deciphered by someone who has the appropriate key, making it virtually impossible for anyone else to read the original message.

How to Create Your Own Encryption System

Now that we understand the importance of cryptographic encryption, let's dive into the process of creating our own encryption system. As mentioned earlier, we needed to come up with a unique system that didn't rely on any existing libraries or randomization.
To begin, we selected a plaintext to encrypt. We chose the Bee Movie (2007) movie script, with no spaces except for a specific section, “Ontario Tech University” to make decryption easier for our project.
Next, we needed an alphabet to use in our encryption system. We selected an 81-character alphabet consisting of non-repeating numbers, special characters, and letters.
Alphabet = “UGiSoxrcT>He94w<sVmF8$|7=f#*1zWqj6,NgX-kKdM+.ZD5?tuBCYO@E;&A23Pn:!JQv%lapRI~bhyL0”
We also required a key for our encryption system. The key we used was simply something 9 (or less) characters long and included legal characters that our grid could support.
Key = #MaThGoDs
Now that we had our plaintext, alphabet, and key, it was time to create our encryption system. In Our NFS Encryption system with the 81 character alphabet and 9 character key, we decided to make use of a 9 x 9 grid/matrix. We rearranged the characters in our alphabet within the grid, based on our key.
Here, the snippet of code for how are grid rearranges itself.
From there we just add some additional conversion to our final alphabet for some more security using Binary followed by XOR conversions.
notion image
And that's it! Our encryption system was complete. But keep in mind that this was a project for academic purposes only.


In conclusion, creating your own cryptographic encryption system may seem daunting, but with careful planning and consideration of the requirements, it's achievable. By following the steps we outlined in our NFS Encryption example, you can create your own unique encryption system. Remember, the importance of cryptographic encryption cannot be overstated in today's digital age. Protect your sensitive information with strong encryption. Good luck!